House breaking: Your dog or puppy is the key to life in harmony with your new companion. House braking training consists in everything that involves behavioral issues. Teaching the dog how to defecate either outside the house or inside on paper training depending on your needs or preference could be a frustrating and time consuming experience if you are on your own. Stop your dog from jumping on you and others. A trained ,house broken dog will stay away from chewing, play biting,
Basic obedience: Essentially teaches your dog how to behave in a proper manner. Every dog should be socialized from an early age to interact politely with other animals outside the family home. During basic obedience classes your dog will learn how to socialize and interact with humans and other animals. Obedience is the fundamental step taken to assure a good level of control over your dog. Your dog's compliance will be a jewel you will treasure over the years with your new family member and best friend. We are capable of teaching your dog in different languages such as English, French, German or Dutch. We provide "In-home training" and "In-kennel training" We will teach your dog with motivation, praise and reward it for good behavior.
Advance Obedience: Everyone would like to take out their dog for a walk without a leach in public places such as the street, the beach, neighbor's or friend's house, etc. The Advanced training will allow you to do just that, it takes the Dog to a level where it will no longer need to be restrained. In this training the dog will learn to obey hand signals which include, "SIT", "DOWN", "STAY" and "COME". For all intents and purposes, the dog will not pay attention to its surroundings and will only focus on its owner.
Personal Protection: We train your Dog on how to react to different situations as well as to protect you and your family in times of danger. House Family Protection (GUARDIAN OF THE HOME) If you owned a dog trained in protection LOYAL TO IT'S FAMILY you'd experience security. Your guardian dog would see to it that you felt confident since his sole job is to guard those he loves. The dog becomes an unconditional protector for you and your family. During training the dog works with commands and will always respect its owner, this way, as you would expect, the dog continues to be an integral member of the family